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Participating in outdoor activities provides many benefits for people young and old. These benefits are varied and far-reaching, affecting everything from your physical wellbeing to your mental wellbeing. Getting involved in, and getting your family involved in, outdoor activities can be an effective bonding experience, whether it is through doing the activities or watching them. Let’s talk a little bit more about the various benefits.


Physical Benefits

The physical benefits of outdoor activities are hard to completely quantify but needless to say, exercise in any form is good for your body and overall health. But, sadly, exercise is often equated with work, sweat, not being fun, and boring time in the gym. Hiking, kayaking, team sports, and swimming are all examples of great outdoor activities that will also provide you with a very enjoyable experience. This type of exercise provides you with a fun way to keep your body healthy and stay motivated.


Mental Benefits

In some cases, engaging in outdoor activities can help reduce your overall stress levels and possibly even reduce anxiety and depression. Often, outdoor recreational activity can help boost your confidence and self-esteem levels as well. It is generally good for your mind to be out in the fresh air and partaking in an enjoyable sport or activity. There are studies that show that those who engage in frequent exercise of any form will also experience more restful sleep. Few of us would argue the benefits of better sleep and the impact it has on our body and mind.


Social Benefits

Some outdoor activities, such as hiking, are sometimes more isolated activities, and those can be a great option for some people. But other activities that center around a social aspect can be wonderful ways to build communities. Participating in a sport that involves other people also has great benefits.  Team-based sports are great for building environments of compassion and comradery, while also teaching the invaluable traits of humility and kindness. As a viewer of a sport, you can also build a common interest with those around you and therefore develop a deeper relationship fueled by a shared passion.


Getting outdoors and being active, or even watching others be active, can provide you with many more benefits than those listed here. Simply the mental benefits of a clearer mind, the social benefits of a stronger community, and the physical benefits of increased stamina can make developing a habit and passion for outside activities a worthwhile goal.